
Our Tecumseh Chamber of Commerce's board meetings are subject to the Open Meetings and Open Records Act. Each meeting is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at noon in the City Council Chambers at Tecumseh City Hall located at 114 N. Broadway St. Tecumseh unless otherwise posted due to holidays or cancellations. Our chamber must meet at least 10 times in a year, so always check the calendar in advance for meeting date, time and information. 

These meetings are open to the public, but are not open to accepting public comments during a meeting without proper agenda placement or advance notice. If you wish to address the chamber board, please contact the chamber's office to be placed on the agenda within 10 days prior to the next meeting. The board would love to hear from you.

The board of director's meetings are designed specifically to handle governing and financial affairs.

To check and see when the next meeting is held, please visit our events calendar. 


Below you will find agenda's and appropriate minutes for each prior meeting. We do our best to post the agenda within 24 hours prior to the meetings, and post minutes within 30 days after meeting is held. 

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